
Events 2024-25

International Conference on "Fiscal Federalism with special reference to the Indian Constitution"

International Conference on Fiscal Federalism with special reference to the Indian Constitution held on September 27-28, 2024, at Crescent School of Law, B. S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute Of Science And Technology, Chennai, successfully brought together experts, scholars, and students to discuss the evolution and future of fiscal relations under the Indian Constitution.

The event featured insightful keynote speeches, panel discussions, and presentations on critical issues such as the impact of GST, Union-State financial relations, and disaster management.

Events 2023-24

One-Day Sensitization Programme on “Sexual Harassment” Under The Posh Act & “Child Protection” Under The Pocso Act

Crescent School of Law,in collaboration with the District Social Welfare Office, Government of Tamil Nadu and Internal Complaints Committee – B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology organized the One-Day Sensitization Programme on “Sexual Harassment” under the POSH Act and “Child Protection” under the POCSO Act on 25th April 2024.. The programme aimed to empower female staff members and students by creating awareness about sexualharassment, its forms, and the legal provisions under the Prevention of Sexual Harassment (POSH) and Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Acts.the programme brought together experts and practitioners to discuss strategies and interventions for combating sexual harassment and ensuring child protection.

Faculty Development Program on 21st Century Justice Education-Strategy in Outcome Based Legal Education

A 7 days, Faculty Development Program on 21st Century Justice Education-Strategy In Outcome Based Legal Education was held by the Crescent School Of Law Starting from 3rd to 9th january, 2024. The chief guest for the Inuaguration was Col.Prof. (Dr).N.S.Santhosh Kumar Vice Chancellor of Tamil Nadu Dr.Ambedkar Law University, Chennai. and was Felicitated by Prof.(Dr).M.Gandhi Former Joint Secretary (Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, New Delhi. The Chief Guest for Valedictory was Prof.(Dr).S.Santhakumar Vice Chancellor of Gujarat National Law University, Gandhinagar. and was Felicitated by Prof.(Dr).S.M.Balakrishnan Registrar (Tamilnadu National Law University, Trichy.

National Workshop on Fundamentals and Procedures of Trial Advocacy

Crescent School of Law, B S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, recently organized a one-day national workshop on the fundamentals and procedures of trial advocacy. Held on February 5th, 2024, the workshop aimed to enlighten students from various law colleges across Tamil Nadu on the intricacies of trial advocacy.

The event commenced with a warm welcome from the Dean of the School of Law, Prof. Dr. C. Chockalingam, followed by a felicitation address by the Registrar, Prof. Dr. N. Raja Hussain. The highlight of the workshop was the presence of Mr. Simerjeet Singh Satia, an esteemed advocate from Delhi, who served as the resource person for the event.

The workshop featured three insightful sessions, each designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of trial advocacy. Topics covered included understanding trial propositions, distinguishing between trial advocacy and mooting, the procedural aspects of trial advocacy, briefing witnesses, examining various annexures and witnesses, techniques for examination in chief and cross-examination, the art of presenting leading questions, and crafting persuasive closing arguments.

Events 2019-20

Constitution day celebrations on 26.11.19

As part of the celebration of the Constitution Day on 26.11.2019, the University had arranged a formal gathering. The function began with the reciting of the Preamble by Prof. Dr. K Nilamudeen , Dean, Crescent School of Law. Later, the Joint Session of the Parliament was telecasted live in the Crescent Auditorium and the same was witnessed by the Deputy Registrar, Deans, Directors, HoDs, faculties and the students of different departments.

After the broadcast. Prof. Dr. K Nilamudeen, Dean delivered a special lecture on the formation of the Constitution, the importance of Drafting Committee and the Constituent Assembly, its fundamental differences and the significance of the Constitution of India. Followingly, Miss. Manasa Krishnakumar, Assistant Professor of Law delivered a speech on the Relevance of Fundamental Duties in the contemporary era and the session was concluded by National Anthem.

Events 2018-19

A One day Mediation Awareness Program was organized by the Crescent School of Law of BSACIST, Vandalur on 06th February 2019

A One day Mediation Awareness Program was organized by the Crescent School of Law of B. S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Vandalur on 06th February 2019. The Senior Advocate of the Madras High Court Mr. R. Venkatraman and Mr. D. Bharatha Chakravarthy, Senior Trainer of Tamilnadu Mediation and Conciliation Center of Madras High Court were the resource persons. The meeting was presided over by Prof. Dr. A. Azad, the Registrar of B. S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, followed by the welcome address by the Dean – Crescent School of Law, Dr. K. Nilamudeen. They highlighted the benefits and Advantages of Mediation and the role of lawyers in mediation. As Mediation is a process in which an impartial and neutral third person, the mediator, facilitates the resolution of a dispute without suggesting what should be the solution. It is an informal and non-adversarial process intended to help disputing parties to reach a mutually acceptable solution; they said. The Students of Crescent School of Law have participated and had an interactive session.

Special lecture on “Fundamental Rights and Duties of Individuals” on 18.9.2018

A Special lecture was conducted on the topic “Fundamental Rights and Duty On 18. 9.2018 lecture was taken By Dr.B Gandhi, Dean, VIT School of LAW. He Highlighted the importance of fundamental rights, its relationship with the Directive principles of state policy. He emphasized more on fundamental Duties before claiming fundamental rights because the rights and duties are correlative.

The Second Orientation Programme on 18.07.2018

The Second Orientation Programme was conducted on 18.07.2018 followed by the felicitation by Justice K.M. Basha. Our Registrar spoke on the dignity of legal profession and its scope and opportunities.

Events 2017-18

A Promo seminar on “Significance of learning law”

A promo seminar was conducted near Nagercoil – a place called Thiruvithancode in association with Islamic Model Matriculation School on 28th April,2018. The Seminar highlighted the topic “Significance of learning law” and to make people aware of the basic tenets of law.

Special Lecture by Adv. Sirajuddheen, Supreme Court Of India

In order to provide legal skill and art a special lecture class was conducted on 11.04.2018 and Advocate Sirajudeen of Supreme Court of India spoke on the occasion.


International Women’s Day on March 8, 2018

The Crescent School of Law conducted the International Women’s Day on March 8, 2018.

It was a good session and the students expressed their views about rampant ratio of crime against women and children and also suggested the ways and means for minimizing such crimes by way of stringent punishment and punitive law.

Inauguration of School of Law on 20th September 2017

The Crescent School of Law was inaugurated by the Honorable former judge of the Supreme Court of India Hon’ble Justice Justice Ibrahim khalilifullah in the presence of former High Court Judges Hon’ble Justice K. M. Basha and Hon’ble Justice Akbar Ali on 20th September 2017. There was galaxy of eminent personalities by every walks of life including the former judges, advocates, VIPs, Parents and students. There was an interesting interactive session between the judges and students after the inauguration.

Events 2019-20

Events 2019-20